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Kylie Armstrong
I plan for and implement effective teaching and learning
I include a range of teaching strategies:
I have used a wide range of teaching strategies to engage my learners, including maths lessons on the basketball courts, excursions, games in class, and log books for scaffolding of learning for independent investigations
I have a sound knowledge of a range of resources, including ICT, that engage students in theri learning.
I use manipulatives, audio visual resources, inquiry learning principles, ICT applications and scaffolding reosurces to ensure my learners have confidence to engage in active learning.
I use effective classroom communication:
I use a number of communication strategies in the classroom and provide my students with numerous ways to communicate with me about their learning.
I engage parents/carers in the educative process:
I value to partnership of parents/carers in learning & have used a number of strategies to engage parents /carers.
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