Kylie Armstrong
As learning is a community activity the engagement of parents/carers in the educational life of their children is of great importance. I do not believe a student can reach their full potential with out the support of a significant adult in their education.
I have participated in VCE and year 9/10 information evenings during my placement. These evenings provide a good opportunity to connect with parents/carers and gain some insight into their perceptions and aspirations for their students.
I have used google classroom as a forum to post content for class preparation and keep all learning community members informed of what is happening. During my Social Cognition & Behaviour unit, my year 11 students were keen to show their parents some of the youtube clips we were using to look at conformity, obedience and the bystander effect.
The annual Maths & Science night at my school was another opportunity to share the educative process with families. The spirit of 'playing with ideas' during this night was a great way to allow students to be the experts as they showed their significant adults various displays and activities.
A photo taken by a parent during Maths & Science night