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The end or just the beginning?


As I think about coming to the end of my academic year I have mixed emotions. After returning to study after more than 20 years raising children, I was not sure I would get through this year in a positive manner. I did know, however, that I definitely wanted to teach and the only way to get there was to return to study. My plan at the start of the year was to study hard for this year, gain enough qualification to achieve VIT registration and then leave academia as soon as I could. I am less certain of that plan today. I have gained a lot from being back at University and think I will miss the rigorous thinking I have been challenged to apply myself to, and I will miss the collegiate culture I have experienced this year. I have also had confirmed that I am a 'big picture' thinker and have a passion for equity and justice. So what does this all mean for my teaching, learning and plans for the future?

What is it about my year of study that has me reluctant to leave it behind?

What am I passionate about to really pursue in my classroom?

The learning I have participated in this year that has really impacted me is the learning that I could see the application for. It is the learning that built strong relationships. It is the people that I have connected with, wrestled over the BIG issues of education with, and shared to small steps toward unit completion with. So what does this mean for me as a teacher? More thinking to be done before I put that in writing.

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