During my second placement I have had cause to think about how curriculum is structured and the influence textbooks can have on how it is delivered. In the hurley-burley of life that is the teacher's lot, it is very tempting to 'teach through the book' for a number of reasons, or to structure sections of curriculum learning in that way to simplify the management of numerous classes covering content at the same time.
As a beginning teacher I did not give enough thought to how I might deliver the full content I was asked to teach. In hind sight I should have reorganized the content for the sake of my learners.
In keeping with the concept of 'deconstruct-reconstruct' for learning it would have benefited my class to have started with the graphing of linear equations from real life scenarios before getting into the nitty gritty of what a linear relationship is and how we use it to understand relationships.
In future, I will take the time to stand back and look at the whole picture before I plunge into the lesson to lesson planning of the content.