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We cannot expect students to remain engaged in the learning community if feedback is not given in a meaningful and timely manner. 

Providing feedback to my students is one of my top priorities and a strength, particularly in Pscyhology. I am working at bringing the effectiveness of my feedback in Mathematics up to the high standard I seem to naturally give in Psychology. Feedback in mathematics is adequate but is an area I am working on improving. I find it is easier to give timely, applicable feedback during inquiry based units of learning. 

My mentors have commented on my ability to give effective feedback, which I believe stems from my strong ability to build rapport. The gallery demonstrate the type of formal feedback I provide my students along with my mentor's comments regarding my feedback to learners. Click on an image to see it in more detail.


summative feedback
Summative feedback
Summative feedback
Summative feedback
Vicky on feedback
Positive and motivating feedback
Michelle on feedback

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